Quickbooks and Financial Management Software Training in Bermuda


Financial + Management Software Training Services in Bermuda

We know that your technology is only as strong as the mastery of those using it day-to-day to manage your financial and human resources data. At Abacus, we are committed not just to ensuring you have the right financial and management software to run your business, but to training every person responsible for using that technology.

Quickbooks Training in Bermuda

Whether we train your employees on entering transactions, or coding expenses, the accurate use of the technology we recommend will determine your success at achieving your growth goals and managing your financial data.  There are several ways in which we train your team including:

One-on-One: We will provide one-on-one coaching and training to that critical person in your business responsible for implementing our recommendations.

Group Training: If you have a team using the same technology system, we will train them on best practices for the individual technologies they will be using to help us manage, organize, store, and access your financial data.

Web-Based Training:  We are skilled and experienced at delivering all of our training programs through web-based training sessions. We offer a wealth of QuickBooks and other training. You can access our upcoming training programs below:

Master the Basics of QuickBooks Online Software

Where? BEDC, 1st Floor, Sofia House, 48 Church Street, Hamilton

When? August 13th – September 3rd, Weekly Sessions,
Every Tuesday, 6pm – 8pm

Join us and transform the way you manage your business finances with QuickBooks 101. Register today and take the first step towards financial mastery!

Are you ready to take control of your business finances with confidence? Join us for our QuickBooks 101 course, designed to help you master QuickBooks Online from the ground up. This comprehensive four-week program is perfect for small business owners, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to streamline their accounting processes. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to enhance your current skills, this course will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to efficiently manage your business finances.

Week 1: Introduction and Company Setup

Kick off the course with an in-depth overview of QuickBooks Online. Learn how to set up your company in QuickBooks, ensuring all your financial data is organized and easily accessible.

Week 2: Navigating QuickBooks Online and Best Practices

Get comfortable navigating through QuickBooks Online’s interface and discover best practices for maximizing efficiency. This week will help you become proficient in moving around the platform and utilizing its features effectively.

Week 3: Managing Transactions

Gain essential skills in managing all types of transactions within QuickBooks Online. From sales and revenue to expenses and purchases, this module will cover it all. You’ll also learn about additional transaction types and other useful tools.

Week 4: Reporting and Analysis

Unlock the power of QuickBooks Online’s reporting capabilities. Learn how to generate insightful reports and analyze your business’s financial data to make informed decisions and drive growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

I feel like our financial systems are out of date. Can Abacus look at our systems and processes and recommend a software or system to use?

Our experienced team has worked with many financial tools and can perform an assessment of your systems and processes to make recommendations based on best practices.  

Our team has the basics of our financial software down. Do you offer intermediate or advanced training courses for those who want to learn more?

Our team specializes in the use of QuickBooks software. We can administer training for this software at all levels.

Do you offer training on programs other than QuickBooks and, if so, which others do you recommend working with?

At this time, we only administer training for QuickBooks software. We are looking to add additional software training solutions in the future.

Should we train multiple team members on our financial software, or does letting one individual handle this seem like enough?

This depends on the size and need of your organization. In most cases having more than one team member trained in a particular tool is beneficial for continuance of work, should a team member become unable to perform his/her duties. 

Get in Touch

We know the success of your new technology tools is based on your team accurately and efficiently using these tools! For more information on our technology training programs, contact us today.